I wasn’t even watching and BOOM 130,000 downloads. Sped on by 100,000 like it was nothing. It took Eronev Mansion Adventure almost a year for its first 100k and people said that was a popular map. To hit 100,000 in only a few weeks is amazing and we’re well on our way to more. It’s true though that the downloads are dropping off like a rock now. The B-Team has ended their LP which is a shame, Captain Sparklez own town was brought back from the brink of destruction. Meola keeps on trucking on and Breny Beast is one of the few to get the Rainbow Brite town hall!
Point is, that fewer and fewer are picking it up and you know what that means… time to get out a new map! But of course things take time. I’m not a map making machine like coldfusiongaming and my work often interferes with the process. So who knows when the next project will come out. I’m hoping before Christmas but who knows, I think I have another idea that I might release for Christmas if I get around to it… but who knows. I might just end up sitting down and playing smash bros until the end of the year. Such is the life of a map maker who has no obligation to do anything :p
Anyway, not really sure why I felt the need to update, very few people actually read the boxes and latest news but I thought for posterities sake it might be a good idea to let people know where I was and what I was doing. Oh yeah, I’ll probably still release a behind the scenes of Simburbia at some point. I did some prep work already so it’s totally going to come out! Until then, here is a little teaser for the map I’m knee deep in development with right now.