Adventure Multiplex has always been a series (can I call it that yet?) that takes a while to build. At least it was on the first one. After taking weeks to final test all the entries from people who aren’t always map makers, there are usually lots of bugs that slip through. If I said “Yep your entry is good” and then I found a bug afterwards, then I fix it myself. If you didn’t know, working on other peoples redstone and mechanics is hell. Everyone has a different way of doing the same thing and while I am pretty proficient in redstone, spawners and a host of other special effects, some of the stuff in the Multiplex 2 are the likes I haven’t seen before. So it’s been a lot of learning, and a lot of fixing. Recently however all the entries got into state in which they are as bug free as I think they will be and I was finally able to get onto terraforming.
I’ve never done terraforming before.
More learning.
Not only that, but there has been a lot of other things going on in real life that have slowed things down. As you most already know, map making isn’t a job, I make hardly any money on it, so when push comes to shove in real life, real life will always win. Slowly but surely I have been finding some time to get it done though.
Current ETA is by the end of the month… but I did say that last month. At least know it will be out at some point, the project isn’t scrapped and you should definitley be looking forward to it.
In the mean time, why not watch one of the excellent Eronev 2 let’s plays that have been popping up recently?